Tensor Decomposition for Control of Many Systems with Reduced Inputs Permalink
Q. Huang (B. Wingo ) and R. C. Winck, "Tensor Decomposition for Control of Many Systems with Reduced Inputs." IEEE American Control Conference, May, 2017.
Q. Huang (B. Wingo ) and R. C. Winck, "Tensor Decomposition for Control of Many Systems with Reduced Inputs." IEEE American Control Conference, May, 2017.
B. Wingo (Q. Huang), C. Cheng, M. Murtaza, M. Zafar, and S. Hutchinson, "Extending Riemmanian Motion Policies to Underactuated Wheeled-Inverted-Pendulum Robots." IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May, 2020.
M. Murtaza, B. Wingo (Q. Huang), D. Kilanga, and S. Hutchinson, "Distributed Optimal Control Framework based on Coordinate Descent Optimization for Multi-Agent Robots." IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), April, 2021.
B. Wingo (Q. Huang), M. Murtaza, V. Azimi, and S. Hutchinson, "Adaptively Robust Control Policy Synthesis Through Riemannian Motion Policies." IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), May, 2021.
Z. Zhou*, B. Wingo (Q. Huang)*, N. Boyd, S. Hutchinson, and Y. Zhao, "Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), May, 2022.
Talk at UC San Francisco, Department of Testing, San Francisco, California
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA